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A new initiative provides educators with resources to serve children in need

It usually takes years for new evidence based research to get applied in schools. Thanks to a new initiative called First Book Accelerator, that time will be shortened by providing educators in underserved schools and programs with the content needed to implement evidence-based strategies. The First Book network is huge, compromising of over 400,000 educators that work with children in need. All books and resources from First Book are available for free to educators that serve children in need. One of the resources available is a trauma toolkit, that integrates leading research findings on how to support students that are experiencing trauma.  Kyle Zimmer, president and CEO of the initiative said:

"The U.S. and other countries excel at producing research-based strategies for educational excellence from the most highly regarded institutions, but there is a disastrous lack of connection between these thought leaders and the field of practicing educators serving children in need," 

