Gender stereotypes in advertising have been banned in the UK

Gender stereotypes are now banned in British advertising thanks to the U.K’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). After research was released that suggests stereotypes are not only harmful but can restrict the aspirations of children, young people and adults. The new rules in the Advertising Codes will apply to broadcast and non-broadcast media. So that means the rules also apply to Instagram and Facebook. 

There are specific scenarios that ASA has referenced are without a doubt not allowed. Belittling a man for performing roles or tasks that are stereotyped as being for women is one of them. Showing a woman having a hard time parking a car is another stereotype that ASA explicitly is not allowing. The organization acknowledges that content and context will be reviewed on a case by case basis as complaints are entered. The Committees of Advertising Practice (CAP) will review the new rule in 12 months to make sure objectives are being met.